Taking a multi-facted, multi-channel approach to your marketing increases your likelihood of success.
Multi-faceted, integrated marketing consisting of traditional and digital media will likely be far more powerful and extend your reach when compared to executing via a single media alone.
Particularly in light of the recent USA Today furloughs, there are some who have loudly cried that print is dead. Others have cried that with the advent of Pandora, iTunes and Spotify—not to mention Sirius—radio has bitten the proverbial dust. And nobody, according to these same folks, ever watches TV. It’s all, “they” say, about digital.
Let’s talk some realities. Yes, digital is a huge, and ever-growing, part of marketing. I cannot fathom any company in any industry that should not have a functional, content-rich, well-developed website. But I’m here to tell you that there are very few companies out there who couldn’t benefit from some form of so-called “traditional” marketing.
Enter “tradigital”.
As marketers, part of our job is not only to come up with creative ads that catch the attention of your target audience, but also to have a strategy behind them to make sure that every one is maximized. And that means looking at all mediums available to determine which will work best and how they should work together.
That may mean running a series of newspaper ads that incorporate a QR code linking readers to a website. On that website, there may be a video to watch (perhaps the same spot you’re running on TV at the moment), a game to play or a white paper to read. You might also find a link to Facebook where, in turn, a special offer or promotion could be waiting to be found. And maybe that special offer means that you deliver a piece of direct mail right to their door as well as an email to their inbox. What’s on that mailer or in that email? Another online link—and perhaps this one links your customer to a webinar or invites them to a locally based event.
You may think that it sounds like one big circle…and you’d be absolutely correct. In today’s market there are so many options to choose from that using just one is rarely a good idea.
Multi-faceted, integrated marketing consisting of traditional and digital media will likely be far more powerful and extend your reach when compared to executing via a single media alone.
Ask yourself: are you doing tradigital integration in your marketing efforts? And more importantly, are you doing it right?
If the answer is no to either one of these questions, you need to rethink your strategy. Because traditional media isn’t dead, digital media isn’t going away and failing to take advantage of both of them could risk the lifeblood of your business.